About Suzi

Suzi Godson has written a weekly sex and relationships column for The Times newspaper in the UK for the last ten years. Her column is syndicated in The Irish Examiner and she also writes a weekly blog for The Huffington Post. Suzi is the author of The Body Bible (Penguin), Sex Counsel (Cassell) and the award-winning The Sex Book (Cassell) which has now been translated into fifteen languages. […]

Sex Counsel by Suzi Godson "Written with humour, but peppered with sensible, practical advice that is well written and shows a great deal of understanding for the human condition in relation to sexual queries and complications." A Little Bit Bookish The Body Bible: Every Woman's Essential Companion By Suzi Godson "One of the […]
About the Site

Couples who are going to survive long-haul need to be able to sustain some form of physical intimacy and affection when the dopamine has disappeared and they are both taking up more of the sofa than they did when they first met. Having sex makes us happy and the same is true in reverse, however, the perception that everyone else is at it like rabbits is neither true, nor helpful. […]